Unclad Courage is an experience of reclaiming your body and celebrating you. Unclad Courage was established for you to create your own unique way to express yourself and reconnect to the power of your body. This is truly a process of self exploration, self discovery, and transformation.
1. Talk
2. Reveal
3. Discover
4. Experience
5. Transform
We begin with an easy no obligation conversation to explore more about you and to develop your own unique experience. We thoughtfully curate what your personal self expression might look like and feel like. We do this through extensive interactive discussions and through the creation of a mood/theme collection of images that resonates with you, and that will help guide us in our photographic self expression process. We will work with you to tailor your experience to meet your ideas, your goals and your self expression.
UNCLAD COURAGETM is a collaborative process that creates an experience of self expression that can help heal the way you feel about yourself, often conquering a lifetime of limiting beliefs about the way look.
UNCLAD COURAGETM helps to create an experience that facilitates being seen and known, revising the story of your (perceived) limited existence and to reconnect to your extraordinary existence.
We find ourselves in a time where we rarely get to experience ourselves and to truly look inside to see what we have quietly hidden there. We live in a culture of shame, especially when it relates to our bodies, our sexuality and how we are able to express ourselves. Its time for a new paradigm.
Discovering this process has been a profound experience for me. It has changed my life and I feel a deep appreciation to have been a part of this process for so many people who have decided to work with me. I am truly honored.
This is about connecting to your JOY, your HEART. This is a CELEBRATION of YOU!
I look forward to speaking with you and I encourage you to contact me with any of your questions or thoughts. This all starts with a conversation, and I want to have it with you. Thank you.
Hear more about this work by going to Testimonials for audio and video content that tells more of the story. Click the button below.
- Timothy, NYC 2019